Fetch Social Media

Bringing the Customers to You

Specialized in Small Business

Local Social Marketing

Our highly skilled staff specializes in local social media marketing with a local audience in mind. For local businesses who wish to expand their online presence, we provide services across a variety of platforms, including Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Contact Fetch Social Media today to get started.

Proudly Offering Social Media Services in the Triangle and Piedmont Area

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American Social Media Users


Of American use Social Media


Of American of Adults use Facebook

two local business owners

How Can We Help With Your Social Media

  • Make interesting social media content

    We are experts in our local market. Our Fetch Social Media team is located in the triangle and Piedmont area.

  • Track activity on social media platforms

    Understanding the performance of our post allows us to get more out of your dollar.

  • Keep an eye on your online reputation

    We help small businesses grow their online presence through effective and concise targeted marketing.

Be the Loud and Proud Social Media Leader in Your Industry

social media buzz words graphics

Our Services


Facebook  & Instagram

8 posts total

Caption Writing
Content Scheduling
Hashtag Research
1 hour Engagement
Monthly Report


Facebook  & Instagram

12 posts total

2 Community Outreach Posts Caption Writing Content Scheduling Hashtag Research 2 hours Engagement Monthly Report


Facebook  & Instagram

20 posts total

 4 Community Outreach Posts Caption Writing Content Scheduling Hashtag Research 4 hours Engagement Monthly Report

Need Help with Your Branding?

We Have You Covered​

graphic creating branding

Graphic Design & Branding

We assist you in mastering your message and reflecting a consistent brand, from creating logos to selecting colors and font.

graphic creating web page

Web Design & Development

To structure the best website for your target audience, we take care of copywriting, content creation, navigation, and integration.

graphic social media

Digital Strategy

To help your brand grow in the digital sphere, our team creates your digital strategy and implementation of your strategy.

What Area Does Fetch Social Media Serve?

We are local to the Triangle and Piedmont area in North Carolina to ensure we are connected to our clients and their geographic footprint. At this time we are not considering clients located our service area to ensure we can provide the high quality service we provide.

Let Fetch Answer Your Questions

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Help Center

Why Fetch Social Media is great

We focus on our local market in the Piedmont and Triangle Area. Are you done with have your local marketing done from places like Arizona. Then call Fetch Social Media and ask us how we can partner with you today.

How much does social media marketing cost?

The average cost of social media advertising can range from $15 to $200 per day, $450 to $6,000 per month for account management (paid to your agency or consultant), and $200 to over $50,000 per month for ad expenditure (paid to ad networks).

Why social media helps local businesses

Social media can provide several benefits and help in various ways. Here are some reasons why social media can be helpful:

  1. Connectivity and Communication: Social media platforms help connect people from different parts of the world, facilitating communication and bridging geographical barriers. It allows individuals to stay in touch with friends, family, and acquaintances, fostering meaningful relationships and reducing feelings of isolation.

  2. Information Sharing and Awareness: Social media serves as a platform for sharing and accessing information. It enables individuals to stay informed about current events, news, trends, and developments in various fields. Social media also helps raise awareness about important social issues, promoting dialogue and encouraging action.

  3. Professional Opportunities: Social media platforms like LinkedIn offer professional networking opportunities. They provide a platform for job seekers to connect with potential employers, showcase their skills and expertise, and discover career opportunities. Businesses can also utilize social media to promote their products or services and engage with customers.

  4. Support and Community: Social media allows individuals to find and connect with like-minded people and communities. It provides a sense of belonging and support, especially for niche interests or individuals facing similar challenges. Online communities on social media platforms can offer advice, resources, and a supportive environment for individuals to share experiences and seek guidance.

  5. Creativity and Self-Expression: Social media provides a platform for individuals to express themselves creatively. Users can share their artwork, writing, photography, music, and other forms of creative expression, allowing them to showcase their talents and receive feedback and encouragement from a wider audience.

  6. Education and Learning: Social media can be a valuable tool for education and learning. Many educational institutions and professionals use social media platforms to share educational content, resources, and tutorials. It can also facilitate collaborative learning and knowledge exchange among students and professionals in various fields.

  7. Social Impact and Activism: Social media has played a significant role in raising awareness about social issues and promoting activism. It allows individuals to amplify their voices, share their stories, and mobilize support for causes they believe in. Social media can help drive social change by reaching a wide audience and facilitating collective action.

It's important to note that while social media can be helpful, its impact varies depending on individual usage and experiences. It's essential to practice healthy habits and be mindful of the potential drawbacks to ensure a positive and beneficial experience on social media platforms.

What is social media and its purpose?

Social media refers to online platforms and applications that facilitate the creation, sharing, and exchange of user-generated content. These platforms enable individuals and organizations to connect, communicate, and interact with others through digital networks.

The purpose of social media can be multifaceted, but its primary objectives include:

  1. Connectivity and Communication: Social media platforms serve as virtual spaces where people can connect with friends, family, colleagues, and even strangers. They enable individuals to share updates, messages, and engage in conversations through various forms of communication such as text, images, videos, and live interactions.

  2. Information Sharing and Discovery: Social media platforms provide a space for users to share and discover a wide range of information. Users can share news, articles, opinions, personal experiences, and educational content, allowing others to stay informed, learn new things, and explore different perspectives.

  3. Networking and Relationship Building: Social media platforms offer opportunities for networking and relationship building, both on personal and professional levels. Individuals can connect with others who share similar interests, join communities and groups, and build relationships that transcend geographical boundaries.

  4. Entertainment and Self-expression: Social media provides a platform for entertainment and self-expression. Users can share their creativity, such as artwork, photography, music, writing, and more. They can also consume entertaining content like videos, memes, and funny posts, providing a source of amusement and relaxation.

  5. Promoting Causes and Awareness: Social media has become an effective tool for promoting causes, raising awareness about social issues, and driving social change. It allows individuals and organizations to amplify their messages, reach a broader audience, and mobilize support for various initiatives and campaigns.

  6. Business and Marketing: Social media platforms have become crucial for businesses and marketers to reach their target audience. They offer opportunities for advertising, brand promotion, customer engagement, and market research. Social media provides a cost-effective and efficient way for businesses to connect with potential customers and build their online presence.

Overall, social media serves as a dynamic and interactive platform that facilitates communication, information sharing, networking, entertainment, self-expression, and various other purposes. Its impact and significance continue to evolve as technology advances and new platforms emerge.

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What are the pros and cons of social media for businesses?

Social media platforms have become an integral part of modern society, impacting various aspects of our lives. Here are some pros and cons of social media:

Pros of Social Media:

  1. Connectivity and Communication: Social media allows people to connect and communicate with each other, irrespective of geographical barriers. It enables individuals to stay in touch with friends, family, and colleagues, fostering meaningful relationships.

  2. Information Sharing: Social media platforms serve as a hub for sharing and accessing information. They provide a platform for news, educational content, and ideas, allowing users to stay informed about current events and expand their knowledge.

  3. Networking and Professional Opportunities: Social media can be a valuable tool for networking and professional growth. Platforms like LinkedIn offer opportunities for individuals to connect with professionals in their field, find job openings, and build a personal brand.

  4. Awareness and Activism: Social media has played a significant role in raising awareness about social issues and promoting activism. It provides a platform for marginalized voices, allowing them to reach a broader audience and drive social change.

  5. Creativity and Expression: Many social media platforms encourage creativity and self-expression. Users can share their artwork, writing, music, or other creative endeavors, showcasing their talents and receiving feedback from a wide audience.

Cons of Social Media:

  1. Privacy Concerns: One of the most significant downsides of social media is the potential invasion of privacy. Users often share personal information that can be accessed by others, leading to issues like identity theft, data breaches, and cyberstalking.

  2. Cyberbullying and Harassment: Social media can be a breeding ground for cyberbullying and harassment. The anonymity and distance provided by online interactions sometimes result in negative behavior, leading to emotional distress, low self-esteem, and even offline consequences.

  3. Addiction and Time Wasting: Social media can be addictive, leading to excessive time spent scrolling through feeds and consuming content. This can have adverse effects on productivity, mental health, and overall well-being.

  4. Filter Bubbles and Echo Chambers: Social media algorithms often personalize content based on users' preferences, creating filter bubbles and echo chambers. This can limit exposure to diverse perspectives and reinforce preexisting beliefs, hindering critical thinking and promoting polarization.

  5. Comparison and FOMO: Social media can contribute to feelings of inadequacy and low self-esteem as users compare themselves to others' carefully curated online personas. The fear of missing out (FOMO) can also arise when constantly exposed to highlights of others' lives, leading to dissatisfaction and anxiety.

It's important to note that the impact of social media can vary greatly depending on individual usage, preferences, and experiences. While it offers numerous benefits, users should be mindful of its potential drawbacks and adopt healthy habits to maintain a balanced relationship with these platforms.

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